Sunday, April 26, 2009


This special weight loss formulation includes Fucoxanthin –
a type of carotenoid that is found in the brown seaweed Wakame.
It is commonly available at Japanese specialty food stores.

Animal studies have shown great promise for the usage of Fucoxanthin
as a weight loss aid. For instance, obese and mice lost up to 10% of
their body weight when fed Fucoxanthin. While these animal studies
do not necessarily translate to humans, more studies are being done
to determine its effectiveness. Fucoxanthin appears to work by
increasing the rate at which abdominal fat is burned.

Wakame Trim contains Fucoxanthin along with Certified South African
Hoodia. Hoodia works to suppress the appetite, while green tea is added
to help increase metabolism and energy. Together these ingredients
provide a powerful tool for weight loss.

Product: Fucoxanthin Plus
Brand: Vitabase (More Products)
Size: 90 capsules
Dosage: 1 capsule 3 times daily
Retail: $18.95

V itabase Health Supplements

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