Another aspect to this is the continuous depletion of metabolic enzymes within the body. Enzymes within the blood stream and throughout the body that help clean the system, by breaking down fats, and other harmful materials. Think about it, what might happen if these enzymes are not there, and you go 40 or 60 years with the effects of accumulated fats within the system, and the damaging waste products which build up in the system would cause? Is there any wonder that heart disease is a major killer in this country? There's only one enzyme that can break down fats within the body, and that is lipase. Without lipase, you don't digest fat, you store it. This alone can result in weight gain and heart disease.
Good health or bad health isn't something that suddenly just happens. Whether we experience good health or bad health is a result of our life style and our daily habits which produce the end results. You simply can't abuse the system like that for so many years and not expect there to be a significant damage in the process.
So what is the answer? It is most important that one change their lifestyle, which can improve this situation. The simple facts are this, if you eat foods that have been processed or cooked above 118 degrees, you can rest assured that there are "no enzymes" within that food. You also can't expect to eat a full course meal of cooked foods, and then just eat a "raw" salad, expecting the enzymes within the salad to "digest" your entire meal. In almost every case, foods contain enough enzymes to "self digest, and no more.
The other choice is to ignore this basic truth and do nothing. The results for this kind of decision making are being experienced today by millions of people all over the country. The United States has the best medical system on the planet, yet Americans have the worst health of any modern nation on earth. Doesn't that tell you that there is something wrong? The choice really is yours to make!
Thanks for reading.....
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